Minutes of the General Meeting of PF 257 held on August 22nd 2023 at Sumner Sportsman Club.
Happy Sad Bucks Included: Report on Alaska Fishing Trip, with lots of salmon being caught and having a blast. New puppy training reports by a couple of members, confident that they will be ready to go by season opener. A report stating that a land owner in Whitman county saying they have seen more chicks this year than they have seen in the past decade or so. Let’s hope.
Committee Reports: Due to the treasurer being unable to make the meeting, it was reported that the balance of the two accounts remains right around $48K, as reported by the treasurer to the president.
Habitat: Habitat chair stated that there are some broken pipe issues at the Brown Farm Project that are preventing him from getting water on a couple of the projects, he is working on a fix/solution.
Youth: The JBLM/WDFW Youth Upland Opener was announced for the weekend of September 16 and 17th. This is an event sponsored by PF 257 on an annual basis, supplying support and lunch for all the youth and volunteers at this event.
Banquet: To be discussed at September’s meeting.
New Business: Habitat chair Rick Ramthun, made a motion to support the 3 Washington State wildlife biologists that were hired in a joint agreement with Pheasants Forever and the Department of Natural Resources. These biologists were put in place to work with private landowners on habitat in numerous ways. The motion was to support this effort with a $3500.00 donation from the chapter earmarked for these biologists through PF national. The motion passed by the members, unanimously.
It was announced that the next board meeting would be held in November. Time and place announced at next general meeting.
Bill Ostrander announced that he wanted to purchase and donate to the chapter a tow behind bar-b-cue for upcoming events in years to come. Thank you Bill.
It was determined that next Summer’s youth shoot date needs to be determined so that we get an earlier start on making it a successful event. Will be discussed at September meeting.
It was brought up for discussion to partner with one of the PF chapters in eastern Washington to participate in joint projects. Due to time constraints the subject was tabled for discussion at September’s meeting.
A member brought up the fact that he had not received his new membership yet, as he had paid for it at the banquet. It will be looked into.
Meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:40, after the hi-low game was played for the door prize.
Bar-b-cue was served immediately after, and a number the guys shot a round or two of trap in preparation for the upcoming season.
Thank you, Chris Williams, for taking the minutes, fine job.
Mon - Sun 8:00 am - 7:00 pm